How to pass the ID value articleListAction Lane ? How to write ? Consult experts to answer !
------ Solution ------------------------------- -------------
looks like you can add in the url $ {ID}, type to "redirect"
------ Solution ------ --------------------------------------
<action name="postArticleAction" class="com.bbs.showAction" method="postArticle">
<result name="success" type="chain">articleListAction</result>
<action name="articleListAction" class="com.bbs.showAction" method="articleList">
<result name="success">/bbs/article.jsp</result>
postArticleAction could write showAction class plus an id attribute to provide geter seter can write
<action name="postArticleAction" class="com.bbs.showAction" method="postArticle">
<result name="success" type="chain">articleListAction.action?id=${id}</result>
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
articleListAction declare an ID variable , and provides set / get methods
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the result of the type attribute to redirect, redirect
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then how to pass parameters?
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that how to get inside this parameter in the ACTION ?
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inside struts.xml configuration parameter is not passed , but in the concrete inside the given url
example you from a web component , such as a jsp, servlet even other struts Action class inside, can provide this parameter:
to jsp example: In the js inside :
document.forms [0]. action = " id =" + id value of your
then submit
in your
com.bbs.showAction class inside :
By String id = request.getParameter ("id"); take this parameter
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chain types can be defined inside
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action jump you can put request.setAttruct ("id", xx) , so in articleListAction directly get in the way ,
they request the same directly to the articleListAction is taken on it
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type = "chain" can also be removed
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<action name="postArticleAction" class="com.bbs.showAction" method="postArticle">
<result name="success" type="chain">articleListAction.action?id=${id}</result>
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LZ is under what circumstances need to use this pass by value ah ? Experienced friends also talk about chanting ?
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I would like to pass a collection of how to pass ?
can not be used ? Mass participation
collection of very long
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$ {ID}, what is the ID variable is defined in the file ? Files on what position do ?