
JSP page how to pass JSON array value to action in

JSP pages in my own JS function definition , the function I get to the Array of JSON data format JSON Array want this array spread the Struts2 Action , on the Action for JSON data processing . How to achieve it ? Action should JSP pages and how to operate ?
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correction , you as serialization also, in my opinion, when passing objects between EJB class is serialized binary operation
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json is can not directly pass the array slightly. Well can change form , inflicted a string, and then again in action in separate into an array .
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write directly in the js window.location = action name & params = json array
received in action as params is json, so when he was received into json, and then parse json
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JSONObject ..
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foreground background data are transmitted through the character biography delivery
received back to their conversion
I posted about the characters in a json object into an object method
Users users = (Users) JSONObject.toBean (JSONObject.fromObject ("{}"));
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jQuery.param () can refer to this Jquery methods .
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you should want to learn something called AJAX stuff , look at it . In addition , java jar handle JSON have a ready package

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be serialized how to get it in the Action ?
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If you are using AJAX to pass a string as the past . . . This thing is not serialized , Big Boss , not so complicated.
something entirely HTTP protocol is request.get ....... JSON formatted data just for a good description of the data structure, you can also use XML
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my AJAX are also familiar with some useless Ajax. Just want the JSP page JS function inside JSON array passed back by Action handle on it. That specific point that I realized using jQuery zTree tree structure display , when I select multiple nodes in the tree will get in the JS function to each node name, id and other attributes , the data is in JSON format , when you select multiple nodes to access JSON data stored in the Array . Want the selected node for processing data transmitted action . Want to ask if there are good solutions .
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we hope to help answer ah
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; landlord Hello
I http://topic.csdn.net/u/20111013/21/9b7c8b7d-af3f-421e- bfa3-0d177fed4942. html to see your posting
I want to use jquery + json tree structure to achieve the project can send a copy to you ?
Thank you ! chengxi90815@163.com Thank you !
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my project in the unit 's computer, computer units not connected to the Internet , I was doing it is based on the jQuery zTree official online examples and online API to do .
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I am now would JSONArray on a property into a string passed to the action , if you use JSONObject action should be how to pass it ?
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I just used it to learn , using the string split really can ah

