page encoding settings :
<% @ page language = "java" contentType = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" pageEncoding = "UTF-8"%>
TOMCAT encoding settings :
Firefox , GOOGLE browsers are normal, but IE garbled
------ Solution ------------------------- -------------------
receiving Chinese parameters need to be transcoded , or distortion is a matter
------ Solution - ------------------------------------------
About garbled, please refer to :
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
in your web.xml configuration:
Note: You need to introduce spring frame package
------ Solution ----------------------------- ---------------
About garbled, please refer to:
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
------ Solution --------- ----------------------------------- 20120714/16/fda6564a-aea7-4a78-ab08-46942a351691.html
Two days ago I was asked to see if the same problem and you do not .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
html when submitting post and get methods
Import page after submission
<% @ page contentType = "text / html; charset = GBK"%>
<% request.setCharacterEncoding ("GBK");%> / / there is a role for the post to submit
submitted to the servlet
resquest.setCharacterEncoding ("GBK") is presented in a way to solve the Chinese garbled post questions must be written before the first parameter in the access
get way to solve the garbage problem , modify tomcat in sever.xml--> URLEncoding = "GBK"; in the server 's
2: transcoding in the background
String deptNameSearch = request.getParameter ("deptNameSearch");
String str = new String (deptNameSearch.getBytes ("iso-8859"), "GBK");
3 configure a filter
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can choose to add filters, or each Action or Servlet must add transcoding
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filters plus :
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plus filter URL- Chinese also does not work.
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URL Chuan Chinese garbled explanation here , please refer to
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url in mass Chinese needs to be transcoded to look at that article now ,
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------ For reference only ---------------------------------- -----
what server you use , tomcat or the other , if it is tomcat, you server.xml in the conf file under the
redirectPort = "8443"
disableUploadTimeout = "true" URIEncoding = "UTF-8" />
red position themselves need to add code to try
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way you do is get pass data without prior coding for the Chinese , it will pass directly over garbled
into post submission , transfer data with the form , so no problem , with the get method is not acceptable
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on the garbage problem , there was still a unified set a filter in web.xml , once and for all , o (∩ _ ∩) o
------ For reference only ------------------------------- --------
/ / xmlhttp.send ("json =" + encodeURI (encodeURI (json))) ;/ / json.toJSONString ()
/ / action to receive data String json = request.getParameter ("json");
/ / json = URLDecoder.decode (json, "utf-8");
best way