
check to see how the eclipse in whom a method invocation

I have a stupid way is to change the method name to see where the error, there is no better way ?
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
debugging the calling procedure see clearly
------ Solution ------------------------ --------------------
break point with eclipse
or in the way inside look
------ Solution ----------------------------- syso ---------------
landlord method is also good ,
global search (Ctrl + H) also, coming soon
------ Solution ------------------- -------------------------
right reference
------ Solution ----- ---------------------------------------
ctrl + mouse press live ctrl key
put opinions without clicking the mouse can see you if you want to call the method click on ok
------ Solution ------- -------------------------------------

- ---- Solution -------------------------------------------- < br> global search (Ctrl + H) also, coming soon

find out the inside Sysout Well
------ Solution ----------------------------- ---------------
do not need to search , Ctrl + Shift + G to display the method by whom quoted
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Ctrl + Shift + G
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Ctrl + Shift + G
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positive solution but a bit slow I do not know there are other ways not
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