
Call a stored procedure on java

java call a stored procedure parameter passing , but is it not the case ?
code below

  CallableStatement       cs = getDataSource().getConnection().prepareCall("{call RECEIVE_CHARGE(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)}");
        int i=1;
        cs.setString(i++,strdate );
        cs.setString(i++, vo.getOperator());
        cs.setString(i++, "2014");
        cs.setString(i++, "2013-11-15");
        cs.setString(i++, "2014-3-15");
        cs.setInt(i++, 1);
        cs.setString(i++, vo.getHousecode());

this case, the background has been an error saying that receives less than a third parameter which is why 2014 ? seeking solutions
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Why to i + +? ? ? Direct 12345 not do
------ Solution --------------- -----------------------------
inspection affairs , in other affairs retrieval .
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Why to i + +? ? ? Direct 12345 not do  

effect should be the same , right ?
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Why to i + +? ? ? Direct 12345 not do  
write 12345 This is the same error message does not receive parameters
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Why to i + +? ? ? Direct 12345 not do          12345
write the same mistake this is reported not receive parameters  

stickers out of the stored procedure does
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Why to i + +? ? ? Direct 12345 not do                12345
write the same mistake this is reported not receive parameters          
stickers out of the stored procedure does  

stored procedure is not the problem directly in the plsql another place in the test and no problem calling it called at the time on this error
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the procedure of iN parameters To Come posted
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create or replace procedure receive_charge(
czsj in varchar2,
czr in varchar2,
sfnd in varchar2,
startdate in varchar2,
enddate in varchar2,
countcus in varchar2,
usercode in varchar2

cursor c_infor is

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seeking reply ... Why is there such a situation

