[{'name':'li','age':'13'},{'name':'yang','age':'20'}...], similar to this , I want to get every one of the second attribute value corresponding note : there's a name and age are not fixed, so I'm thinking can turn into an array
[['li','13'],['yang','20']], so that you can subscript to the value of ?
------ Solution - -------------------------------------------
java can be directly traverse jsonArray of
String json = command.substring (6);
JSONArray jsonArray = (JSONArray) JSONSerializer.toJSON (json);
String json_c = jsonArray.getString (0);
JSONObject jsonObject = JSONObject.fromObject (json_c);
for (Iterator iter = jsonObject.keys (); iter.hasNext () ;) {/ / first object traversing the entire people
String key = (String) iter.next ();
System.out.println (key + "#" + jsonObject.getString (key));
------ Solution ------------------------------- -------------
var obj = [];
var o;
var d;
var t = [{
'name': 'li',
'age': '13'
'name': 'yang',
'age': '20'
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
o = t[i];
d = [];
for (var u in o) {
------ Solution --------------------- -----------------------
this ?
var t3="[['<a href=# onclick=openLink(14113295100,社旗县国税局桥头税务所,14113295100,d6d223892dc94f5bb501d4408a68333d,swjg_dm);>14113295100</a>','社旗县国税局桥头税务所','社旗县城郊乡长江路西段']]";
//通过eval() 函数可以将JSON字符串转化为对象
var obj = eval(t3);
for(var i=0;i<obj.length;i++){
this ?
------ For reference only ---------------------------------- -----
Oh , sorry , add Ha, I this is in JavaScript , and ask how to do it
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Oh , sorry , add Kazakhstan, I this is in JavaScript , may I ask how do
var data = [{name: "a", age: 12}, {name: "b", age: 11}, {name: "c", age: 13}, {name : "d", age: 14}];
for (var o in data) {
alert (o);
alert (data [o]);
alert ("text:" + data [o]. name + "value:" + data [o]. age);
If json string:
var t = "{'firstName': 'cyra', 'lastName': 'richardson', 'address': ; {'streetAddress': '1 Microsoft way', 'city': 'Redmond', 'state': 'WA', 'postalCode': 98052}, 'phoneNumbers': ['425-777-7777 ', '206-777-7777']} ";
var jsonobj = eval ('(' + t + ')') ;/ / single JSON object to add braces , JSON array is not required
alert (jsonobj.firstName);
alert (jsonobj.lastName);
------ For reference only ---------------------------------- -----
Oh , sorry , add Ha, I this is in JavaScript , and ask how to do it
var data = [{name: "a", age: 12}, {name: "b", age: 11}, {name: "c", age: 13}, {name : "d", age: 14}];
for (var o in data) {
alert (o);
alert (data [o]);
alert ("text:" + data [o]. name + "value:" + data [o]. age);
If json string:
var t = "{'firstName': 'cyra', 'lastName': 'richardson', 'address': ; {'streetAddress': '1 Microsoft way', 'city': 'Redmond', 'state': 'WA', 'postalCode': 98052}, 'phoneNumbers': ['425-777-7777 ', '206-777-7777']} ";
var jsonobj = eval ('(' + t + ')') ;/ / single JSON object to add braces , JSON array is not required
alert (jsonobj.firstName);
alert (jsonobj.lastName);
Maybe you did not look carefully to my question , because I am the attribute name is not fixed , you can not pass . firstName way to get
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I try
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gray often swim ah !
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var obj=[];
for(var o in json){
alert('obj is Array?'+obj instanceof Array);//为什么是false?
return obj;
------ For reference only ----------------------------------- ----
this.JSON2Array=function(json){forget parentheses , and laughed
var obj=[];
for(var o in json){
alert('obj is Array?'+obj instanceof Array);//为什么是false?
return obj;
- ----- For reference only ---------------------------------------
you do not know how pass . It is taken by the subscript
var obj = [];
var o;
var d;
var t = [{
'name': 'li',
'age': '13'
'name': 'yang',
'age': '20'
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
o = t[i];
d = [];
for (var u in o) {
alert(obj instanceof Array);
------ For reference only ----------------------------------- ----
json can be said to be object-oriented , and you turn into an array is not more trouble ?