
Beginners : Using axis2 generated client generated client where

I according to the description of the document step by step to do so following this step when :
In Windows console output the following command line to generate Calling WebService Code:
% AXIS2_HOME% \ bin \ wsdl2java-uri http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/SimpleService?wsdl-p client-s-o stub

which wsdl -url parameter specifies the path to the file , can be a local path or a network path . -p parameter specifies the generated Java class package name ,-o parameter specifies the generation of a series of documents saved in the root directory. After executing the above command , the reader will find in the current directory, more than a stub directory, . "Stub" src "client directory to find a SimpleServiceStub.java file

but can not find this generated file ? He said the current directory , my God , I am using the cmd command , what is the current directory it ? I find a lot of places can not find ?

expert guidance
------ Solution ---------------------------------- ----------
this is the most primitive tools , and sometimes not very practical. In fact, we often are in the IDE development environment , such as using Myeclipse, click on the graph ( use this link to see my space picture : http://hi.csdn.net/space-1127592-do-album-picid -1085357.html), and then select the JAX-WS, and then in the new pop-up dialog box, enter the server address and generate the WSDL file package ( this is your project built in ) , then the next step until the end . I hope you can help on top of said landlord .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
% AXIS2_HOME% \ bin \ wsdl2java-uri http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/SimpleService?wsdl-p client-s-o stub
Your commands are wrong . You put my copy in the past
set Axis_Lib = E: \ axis-bin-1_4 \ axis-1_4 \ lib
set Java_Cmd = java-Djava.ext.dirs =% Axis_Lib%
set Axis_Servlet = http://localhost:8080/CXFServer/SayHelloService?wsdl
% Java_Cmd% org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java-u% Axis_Servlet%

put them into your local axis frame Axis_Lib package path. http://localhost:8080/CXFServer/SayHelloService?wsdl
changed the url of the webservice you publish wsdl file path or a local
premise is your local jdk is installed .
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% AXIS2_HOME% \ bin this directory has it
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set Axis_Lib = E: \ axis-bin-1_4 \ axis-1_4 \ lib
set Java_Cmd = java-Djava.ext.dirs =% Axis_Lib%
set Axis_Servlet = http://localhost:8080/CXFServer/SayHelloService?wsdl
% Java_Cmd% org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java-u% Axis_Servlet%
command to save the file into wsdltojava.bat . Put this file into the C drive it
DOS in the implementation of this document, the generated JAVA client will appear in the C root directory .
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my oh absolutely positive solutions
how it does not give points .
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Oh, find friends , directory in my user files generated under Oh, but also very grateful to you.
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brother, I suggested that after the operation , count has been generated of it ? ? ? I'm in my user directory did not see ah ... help, thank you

