
jdbc sql statement how to write multi-criteria query

There is a table with id age name sex class and other fields
want to be a multi- criteria query jdbc These conditions can be empty or may not be empty
simple page like this:

using traditional
ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
ps.setString(1, name);
This method seems not We greatly
seek guidance ah
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your question variable parameters for SQL assembly .

With this either on the data access components , such as Hibernate, MyBatis the like ; either can only write their own branch condition to deal with.

Another is to determine if the use of a database ( such as Oracle), or use a support NamedParameterStatement, it can be:

import oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement; // 这个是Oracle数据库的驱动才提供的

        String sql = "Select * From employees Where 1=1 And (:pName IS null OR first_name = :pName) And (:pSalary IS null OR salary = :pSalary)"; // 注意这句YD的SQL
        Connection con = openConnection(); // 数据库连接获取略
        OraclePreparedStatement stat = (OraclePreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(sql); 
        stat.setObjectAtName("pName", null);
        stat.setObjectAtName("pSalary", 2500);
        ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery();
        int cols = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
        while (rs.next()) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= cols; i++) {
                System.out.print(rs.getString(i) + "\t");

but in general it is recommended that honestly with sophisticated data access components .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
a fresh mass participation so much trouble ?

Stringbuffer sql = "select * from student t";
if ( at least one field is not empty or "") {
sql.append ("where");
list.add (val1);
if (id! = null | |! "". equale (id)) {
sql.append ("t.id =?");
list.add (val2);
if (name! = null | |! "". equale (name)) {
sql.append ("t.name =?");
list.add (val3);
ps = con.prepareStatement (sql);
for (... list ...) {
ps.setString (i, list.get (i));
------ Solution -------------------------------- ------------
create a list such as

List<object> param = new ArrayList<Object>();
if(id != null|| !"".equale(id)){
 sql.append(" t.id=?");

Finally , when setting parameters

for(int i =0; i < param.size(); i ++) {
  ps.setString(i + 1, param.get(i));

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. . jdbc do not inject sql statement . Their own and do not like ?
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why not ? Is that you did not write the sql okay ? Full points to SQL stickers look .
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can , ah , there is attention to your variable types. ps.setString (1, name); age may not be used to int setString it. Others should be no problem
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use a little trick to

where 1 = 1 is true for ever

select * from table where 1 = 1

Then according to whether the value passed in the dynamic sql spliced ​​into a complete

final like this

select * from 表  where 1=1 and  字段1 = 'xx'  and 字段2='yy'

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For example, sometimes they enter id
That is sql
 select * from student t where t.id=?

that sometimes enter age and name
sql turned into
select * from student t where t.name=? and t.age=?

If it stringbuffer

 Stringbuffer  sql="select * from student t ";
if( 字段中至少有一个不为空或者""){
 sql.append(" where ");
if(id != null|| !"".equale(id)){
 sql.append(" t.id=?");
if(name!=null || !"".equale(name)){
 sql.append( " t.name=? ");
ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);
    ps.setString(1, id);

The setString this can not be determined

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judgment can also be solved thing. .
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In fact, I would like to know there is no such

  sql.append(" name=?").setString(name);

this class or method stuff
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amount ... use is oracl database
(: ​​pName IS null OR first_name =: pName)
This states that if pName is null , then it skipped yet ?
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judge then assembled .
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supplied template as you write a report , but running a org.apache.commons.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement cannot be cast to oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement this error evaluator this guidance how to convert it ?

ops=(OraclePreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement(FINDPANA);

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource">
<property name="driverClassName" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
<property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:8080:test"/>
<property name="username" value="root"/>
<property name="password" value="123"/>

greatly seeking guidance about ah
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you use a database connection pool, so types are repackaged ; honestly safe to use data access components .

Try it:
ops = (OraclePreparedStatement) con.prepareStatement (FINDPANA). getInnermostDelegate ();
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good morning ! morning and tried the method you said prompted The method getInnermostDelegate () is undefined for the type PreparedStatement this error ... weak weak to re- this method is to ask what kind of ah ?
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if it is written in the sql statement inside, connected with or write condition , judge is empty , an empty string , and the string should match the phase are not equal !
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use or if the expected outcome and not the same
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 first verify that you want to check whether the conditions is empty. Not empty directly spliced ​​up . Stitching is not empty . .
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use or if the expected outcome and not the same  
(a is null or a ='' or a = field ) Why not ?
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use or if the expected outcome and not the same          
(a is null or a ='' or a = field ) Why not ?  
Sorry I misunderstood I thought you were saying the original and changed or
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words used or expected outcome and not the same                
(a is null or a ='' or a = field ) Why not ?          
Sorry I misunderstood I thought you were saying the original and changed or   okay , and slowly get to understand !
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apache DBCP component approach:

intention is to apply from the connection pool managed by the Connection, access to native PreparedStatement implementation class ( that is, Oracle provided ) .
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apache DBCP component approach:   
intention is to apply from the connection pool managed by the Connection, access to native PreparedStatement implementation class ( that is, Oracle provided ) .  

package version is not too low, you say ah ... can not find this class ...
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I can only say : I don't known ...
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I can only say : I don't known ...  
DelegatingConnection con= (DelegatingConnection) dataSource.getConnection();
OraclePreparedStatement ps= (OraclePreparedStatement) con.getInnermostDelegate().prepareStatement(FINDPANA);

actually write this way will be reported nullpointException or in prepareStatement (FINDPANA) reported this method when an error ...
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submit form data to obtain a value judgment submitted If the value is not null and is not null then connect or not connect
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encounter the same problems , such as online .
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I can only say : I don't known ...  

Thank you very much

