Please prawn help, thank you Ah ! ! ! !
my project before the program is packaged into . war file , Tomcat installed on the XP system for deployment , everything is normal.
but the same . war file , I put the Tomcat installation in linux system, deployment , you can not find the Action page , you can not jump , and return a 404 , do not know why . From the Internet to find information said to be XP and linux systems are different, the corresponding change of the next , there is no effect .
Please help , in the end is what causes the A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
path symbol is not in the code written death , or see if there is an error log
------ Solution ---------------- ----------------------------
Dingding Ding Ding Ding ! ! !
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no error log A , looking for action page, directly on the 404 .
path I always wrote " / " right slash , the Internet has to say linux should be " \ " right slash , but after I changed , or no effect .
You said path symbols written death , refers to the absolute path to write it?
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jacking . .
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not ACTION , I can access the page does not
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no action , then you can access to the page. As long as they jump to action , and does not identify the path of the . A very tangled .
prawns, I help it ! ! ! ! 5555555555555555555 !
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debug what the ACTION, look at the implementation situation how
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look specifically at what the error log
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normal circumstances, are case trouble .
windows is not case sensitive , as the case was wrong to find the page you want .
linux below will be a problem .
few days ago I deployed a project , change the N number of sensitive issues .
proposed landlord to log out , we facilitate you to see
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look at the tomcat logs, is king
cd / path / to / tomcat / logs
tail-f catalina.out
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not visit the page without logging ah
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there may be installed under windows and linux installed under jdk jdk version is not the same, causing it ?
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tomcat startup time log
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