Andrews eclipse java application development , controls are visualized do ( like VB, DELPHI)?
If you manually edit it too much trouble , could you like VB, DELPHI, C + + BUILDER as visual programming it ?
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with visualization, however, and the kind of level C + + Builder lot worse, is not recommended to use visualization tools , most of their own a little bit of preparation .
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no CB so smart
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also like visual interface that , but the function is not so powerful, can be used like .
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have the tools . However, the manual is king ah
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like visual interface that , but the function is not so powerful
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are generally not visible, limitations bigger
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can not visualize, develop together very troublesome ah
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Why not visualize it ? ? ? We do not use tools developed in order to reduce the pressure and difficulty do ?
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You can use some resources directly from these R classes in your own applications, but you should generally use only resources that you've provided directly in your application, in order to provide a cohesive application package that has no external dependencies. In particular, you should not use drawable resources from the android package, because they may change between platform versions, causing unforeseen conflicts with your design. Typically, styles are the only resources you should use directly from these resources.
android development documents inside these words , it seems that is not recommended to use visual controls . Is that right ?
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Why not visualize it ? ? ? We do not use tools developed in order to reduce the pressure and difficulty do ?
yes ah, upstairs emphasize pure hand -in writing is to show that they are cattle do ? Then you can use Notepad to write ah , why use those integrated environment to compile it !
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be right