Select the current workspace directory , but search out the projects are gray and can not be introduced , giving the error message is Some projects cannot be
imported because they already exist in the workspace Is this what's causing it ? Solution , what is it ? waiting for experts to answer ! ! !
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
copying files directly related to the new project workspace under the appropriate folder , and then right-click the project name myeclipse refresh on it
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to determine this web project there webroot , etc., prior to the workspace are deleted ~
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troublesome thing clear , you said this means that this is a new web project it or previous project? "Workspace in the previous" What does it mean something ?
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to introduce the project already exists in the current workspace , first in Eclipse, delete, and then introduce
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but my new project name and project name is not the same old , ah, not the same as the project name content as it is not allowed ? Oh, no
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I know how it is , the original meaning of the introduction of this project is that I only old web project to introduce something into a new web project changed how ?
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I there is no way to solve the same problem
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this problem is a headache
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good projects to add deleted , plus another when Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace. Then do not hook the copy check box , the point right refresh.