
The Flex ByteArray data to the java side of the picture , save the image to the server locally

shown , flex bytearray object, which will spread to java side , java client does not know what type of receiver also tried binary but it is not.
I need to do is in the java side this bytearray parameter values ​​and writes them to the server to get a letter below to save

look Which classmate told me appreciate it ! ! !

I flex and java communication is Httpservice Do not tell me put it another way
------ Solution ------------------ Communication --------------------------
very simple request and bytearray with URLRequest send binary data when the parameter passed to java end ,
java client to get this output stream and then began to stream a written document on oK I do not understand ask
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sent the wrong picture
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Thank you for your answer according to your small Tip I have completed a sub offer
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too thanks , stuck in here quite a while , I was still directly into the bitmapdata bytearray, pass in the past is always no, thank god
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I just use this method . But why not upload large files can . flash crashed it .

