Code is as follows :
But in the static pages can.
Note: Other forms are also commonly have tried , or not , please advise.
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
used other forms are also tried, or not , please advise. What do you mean this sentence
html page code JSP page plus you can play this code do not play ?
This player does not play the JSP page should not look at it - does not matter what experts insight
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other form is commonly used code .
Yes, put the html can play, but in the jsp can not.
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and pages have nothing , and the client decoder on !
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Would you access paths are what ?
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and decoder about how to say , what configuration? All in one computer .
html Road is as follows:
jsp in the following :
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why two different paths
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html: I was directly placed in the same folder.
jsp: jsp deployment of this path is the path generated after the release .
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mainly path problem, with particular attention to is that you are using the eclipse or Myeclipse, they are very different path configurations
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you put HTML in JSP video taken the same directory is also accessed through the same server to access the HTML I 'm sure it can not play
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path problem if it is , then , a change in avi format can be played. However rmvb, rm can not.
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html is created directly in the machine , not the server returns . So it can be opened.
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server with your machine is the same you ?
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Yes, the server and the machine is the same .
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set mime
give you an address you look carefully
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Thank you , let me see.
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progress of the problem :
can now play rmvb format , the code has not changed, nothing is set . Just installed a machine realplayer player.
Now there is a question :
is not full .
also please continue to pay attention .
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Please downstairs solve fullscreen , thank you.
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sustained attention
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attention Bangding impression must not be RMVB
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also please continue to offer suggestions next grateful.
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problem progress how ah ? I have encountered , can play in the local , but the video on the server side is not, hey . Tragedy ah
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I have encountered , there are solutions offer Ah !!!!!
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just solved, I thought for a moment the question whether it is decoded , because other formats can, and rmvb format video can be played in the absolute path , and to the loopback address that is appears that it can not play rmvb address , from the video decoding start, download a Windows Media Player rmvb decoder has an address above ! perfect solution , provided that my computer has been installed realPlayer player , tested unloaded or can not decode loop , so are fitted !