
Seek expert dwr upload files to resolve the following error Thank you ( Urgent )

Please select word document

upload file :

< ; input type = "reset" value = " reset " />

<% @ page import = "java.io.File"%>
<% @ page language = "java" import = "java.util. *, com.jspsmart.upload. *" pageEncoding = "utf-8"%>

try {
mySmartUpload.initialize (pageContext);
mySmartUpload.service (request, response);
mySmartUpload.upload ();
/ / get the first upload the file name
String fn = mySmartUpload.getFiles (). getFile (0). getFileName ();

/ / String word_file = new File (getServletContext (). getRealPath ("/"). toString () + "UploadWord /" + fn); automatically get url not complete
/ / session.setAttribute ("WordFile", word_file) ;/ / added to the session
/ / session.setAttribute ("WordFile", "E :/ / Program Files / SoftwareDocument / Apache Software Foundation / Tomcat 6.0/webapps/AnalyticWord/UploadWord /" + fn) ;

/ / the uploaded file to the specified folder
mySmartUpload.save ("UploadWord /");
out.print (" has been successfully uploaded files , please see here , see whether the file uploaded successfully
out.print (" page mode to view Word documents ");
} catch (Exception e) {
session.setAttribute ("WordFile", "");
out.print (" Upload Word documents fail , Please try again ");

