
How can display formulas

in android How can display formulas in android

What is the specific code ? ? ? ?
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What does this mean ?
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mathematical formulas , physics formulas ? Displayed inside the editor ? Written application display for others to see ? Problem can be described in detail point does not ?
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define a VIEW, since the painting on the inside
You can also use achartengine development kit, a search can be found to
If your formula is relatively stable , less change , you can also file directly on a layout to the layout out of the equation , or use the character " spell out" the formula
hope you can help
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can also generate an HTML file , and then use textview displayed
or draw a bitmap, find something to show
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edit ? What editing
is if the index formula becomes logarithmic formula
or, as became the ln1 ln2

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this . . . . Oh . . . . .
if starting from 0 , from design to implementation requires good waste of effort
find ready-made library bar, seems to have a mathml, do not know whether you have help
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I just want to show the formula and you can edit
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mathematical formulas , physics formulas ! Displayed inside the editor ! the best you can edit
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Do not display these image formats
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with seeking ah I also have this requirement

