
Class has no main method

package helloworldapp;

public class first
    class J_Employee
        public int m_workYear;

        public J_Employee()
            m_workYear = 1;

    public class J_Teacher extends J_Employee
        public int m_classHour;

        public J_Teacher()
            m_classHour = 96;
        public void mb_printInfo()
        public static void main(String args[])
            J_Teacher tom = new J_Teacher();
Examples of books
What is wrong ? ? If the main place outside the class , does not work, seek solutions ! !
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
landlord right main move out, and then changed to the following:

  public static void main(String args[])
     PolymorphismTest pltt=new PolymorphismTest();
        PolymorphismTest.J_Teacher tom=pltt.new J_Teacher();

This should clearly know why the wrong bar ?
------ For reference only -------------------------------------- -
main (String args [])

should be String [] args
------ For reference only -------------------------- -------------
I prawn up ! !

