Two objects the same value (x.equals (y) == true), but it may have a different hash code, this sentence right ?
Seeking to explain
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1. the same application , the function of an object equals hashCode function does not change the situation , regardless of how many times called , it must return the same integer.
2. calls equals function if two objects are equal , then calling the hashCode function will return the same integer .
3. calls equals function if two objects are not equal , then calling the hashCode function does not require a certain return distinct integers
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this sentence is false.
two different object instances , hash code can be equal, because there is no perfect hash function .
On the contrary , it is wrong , because you can not guarantee that users of the class does not use HashSet / HashMap
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last sentence the wrong object hashCode is the only marker ; only if the two objects are equal to their equals results mark must be equal
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directly on the API
public boolean equals (Object obj) indicate whether some other object associated with this object " equal ."
equals method is implemented on non-null object reference equivalence relation :
reflexive : for any non-null reference values x, x.equals (x) should return true.
Symmetry: For any non- null reference values x and y, if and only if y.equals (x) returns true , x.equals (y) ; only should return true.
transitive : for any non -null reference values x, y and z, if x.equals (y) returns true, and y.equals (z) ; returns true, then x.equals (z) should return true.
consistent: for any non- null reference values x and y, multiple invocations x.equals (y) consistently return true or consistently return false, provided that objects used in equals comparisons on the information has not been modified .
For any non- null reference values x, x.equals (null) should return false.
Object class equals method on the object most likely equal to the difference between ; That is, for any non- null reference values x and y, if and only if x and y refer to the same object, this method returns true (x == y has the value true).
Note: When this method is overridden , it is usually necessary to override the hashCode method , in order to maintain the general contract of hashCode method , which states that equal objects must have equal hash codes .
obj - the reference object with which to compare .
If this object is the same as the obj argument , returns true; otherwise false.
public int hashCode () Returns the hash code value for the object . This method is supported for the hash table to provide some advantages, such as , java.util.Hashtable hash table provided .
hashCode general agreement that:
during the execution of a Java application , on the same object multiple times calling the hashCode method must consistently return the same integer , provided that equals comparisons on the object information is not used is modified. From one execution of an application to another of the same application execution , the integer need not remain consistent .
if under equals (Object) method , two objects are equal , then the two objects calling the hashCode method on each object must be produce the same integer result .
The following are not be necessary: if according to equals (java.lang.Object) method , two objects are not equal, then the two objects on any object in calling the hashCode ; method must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that the unequal objects produce distinct integer results can improve the performance of the hash table .
In fact, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return different objects for different integer . ( This usually is done by converting the internal address of the object into an integer to be achieved, but does not require such JavaTM programming language implementation technique . )
this object a hash code value .
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same value using the equals method to determine , equals method after rewriting is not necessarily determine whether the object is the same object
So different is normal hashcode
like I defined a class , has a name and number
I override the equals method , so that the same name is returned equal
So although I have hashcode two different objects ( their numbers may be different or the value of all the properties of two objects are the same )
but they certainly different hashcode
because there is not an object Well
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this sentence is correct
equal objects may not be the same hashcode
In turn , hashcode is not necessarily the same as equal
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but generally override equals to override both HashCode
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this sentence is correct .
equals and hashCode are two methods that can be overridden .
So the key to how you override these two methods .
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2nd floor theory is right, but in accordance with normal business logic , unless it is neuropathy or else override equals and hashCode methods is certain as true equals , hashCode equal
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hashcode is not the only mark if the judge depend on it to carry out equal , naturally, must be equal , if not rely on it to make equal judgment, it is what is not is
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is right Mile !
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However , API stated that only one agreement , and did not force you to have to do it
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hash conflict is likely to do
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two objects are equal , hashcode certainly consistent ...
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access points friends.
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answer equals (2 F ) , but not in my reply , 2nd Floor , -----> hashCode () can of course different
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last sentence the wrong object hashCode is the only mark only if the two objects are equal to their equals results mark must be equal
System.out.println ("Aa". hashCode ());
System.out.println ("BB". hashCode ());
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wrong, have the same hash code.
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last sentence the wrong object hashCode is the only mark only if the two objects are equal to their equals results mark must be equal
Why is it wrong, you did not say that there has not been rewritten equal , rewritten hashCode is not necessarily higher than
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landlord, I tested for the Object class must have equal equals hashCode equal. Look API is easy to understand .
For the String class , the same conclusion holds.
For other custom classes , this conclusion is uncertain, equals and hashCode depends on the specific implementation.
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public class Test {
public static void main (String [] args) {
Test aTest = new Test ();
Test bTest = new Test ();
System.out.println (aTest.equals (bTest));
System.out.println (aTest.hashCode () + "----" + bTest.hashCode ());
@ Override
public boolean equals (Object obj) {
return true;
@ Override
public int hashCode () {
return super.hashCode ();
/ / Run Results
12830537 ---- 22068557
So this sentence is certainly right