
Some people have seen it

Stanford programming methods Will someone Karel robot complete run through that program do ? I would like to ask how to run that program Karel robot . Because I can not see the source code. Just give a run function but no main function can not run ?
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
you think Baidu really is omnipotent do ? That video is 07 years . Eclipse version is different then . Moreover class encapsulates good. I can not see the source code. Just write a class run to run. Baidu is only a few on this program .  
because I run too , the code is certainly Baidu or google search to , I can found, so I think you can too. . .
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Freescale I ran
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Baidu . . . .
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you think Baidu really is omnipotent do ? That video is 07 years . Eclipse version is different then . Moreover class encapsulates good. I can not see the source code. Just write a class run to run. Baidu is only a few on this program .
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run? Is a thread? A main method to call you like, ah
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run? Is a thread? You write a main method to call like ah
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you think Baidu really is omnipotent do ? that video is the 2007 's . Eclipse version is different then . Moreover class encapsulates good. I can not see the source code. Just write a class run to run. Baidu is only a few on this program .          
because I run too , the code is certainly Baidu or google search to , I can found, so I think you can too. . .  
because I did not install the plug-in.

