
JSTL tag assignment problem

 This post last edited by the shun_fzll on 2013-09-24 10:22:33
I have two tables, an order form, a merchandise table , the two are many relationship .

now intend to display a table on one page , the form displays the order record , using JSTL tag , as follows

   <table >
      <c:forEach items="${orderlist}" var="tbl">



             <c:forEach items="${tbl.orderdetailtbls}"  var="od_list">


roughly at that question , to ask how to write his words, the younger rookie , very grateful !
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
<c:set var="totalPrice" value="${0}"></c:set>      
<c:forEach items="${tbl.orderdetailtbls}"  var="od_list">       
  <c:set var="totalPrice" value="${totalPrice+ od_list.price}"/>

------ For reference only ---------------------------- -----------

Thanks !

