
Great God who Ariadne

I want to windows 7 64 -bit platforms vs2010 environment

install QT, mostly found online tutorial is 10 years old .

Will you have the latest installation tutorial . Or experience the great God given .

------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
as installed on the line according to the . After 4.7 does not need a compiler. Somehow be able to use the

------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
download a plug-in, configure what version of what qmake able to use the
------ Solution ----------- ---------------------------------
1, successfully installed VS2010
2, download Qt for windows (VS2010), the version proposed Qt4.8
3, install Qt.
4, now and install Qt VS addin
Then you can get in your Qt VS saw the
------ Solution ----------------------- ---------------------

------ Solution ---------- ----------------------------------


I have a 200 -point stickers no answer points. Come
------ Solution ----------------------- ---------------------
1, successfully installed VS2010
2, download Qt for windows (VS2010), the version proposed Qt4.8
3, install Qt.
4, open the Qt Creator directly
------ Solution ---------------------------- ----------------
personally still prefer to use QtCreator
------ Solution ---------------- ----------------------------
latest official version address


Note that the picture marker position

upload pictures an error occurs, you will be transferred to the address and see.

version selection
http://img.my.csdn.net/uploads/201309/24 / 1380015537_2455.jpg

plug-in options
http://img.my.csdn.net/uploads/201309/24 / 1380015538_4724.JPG

next step has been installed on the line. Just what to install .
------ For reference only -------------------------------------- -
Thank you, you big God . Thank B2SPIRIT

