
getBytes after gbk character encoding values ??are -50 and -46

My gbk encoding is CED2 why getBytes after -50 and -46

------ Solution ------- -------------------------------------
GBK in double-byte character encoding , so there will be two bytes.
maybe then combine the control byte GBK encoding table you can find the corresponding character
------ For reference only ----------------- ----------------------

GBk corresponding code is CE D2 these two bytes instead of -50 and -46 , but why get the byte array is - 50 and -46
------ For reference only ----------------------------- ----------
CE D2 is a hexadecimal notation , the corresponding binary is
1100 1110 (CE) as the high byte type is 1, corresponding to -50
1101 0010 (D2) as the high byte type is 1, corresponding to -46
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