Ask a question of Intent putExtra method ?
There are 3 Activity are A, B, C
A inside Intent First putExtra ("1", "1"); putExtra ("2", "2"); setclass (A.this, B.class);
B inside Intent First putExtra ("3", "3"); setclass (B.this, C.class);
C inside the Intent to receive these three keys do ?
That is inside the A key , after sending two jump B, B sends a key after the jump to C, C which can receive these three keys do ?
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Oh , take less .
but must in B new Intent () then setBundle, parameters A of the Bundle,
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every time a new intent, you can remove the first intent bundle, and then need to save the value of the deposit to the bundle , the bundle and then saved to the new intent, can be
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from A -> B create an intent to obtain from A to B the intent, the intent of the values stored in the 1,2 ;
final Intent getIntent = getIntent ();
from B -> C to create a new intent of the value added to it 1,2
Intent intent = new Intent ();
intent.putExtra ("3", "3");
intent.putExtra ("1", getIntent.getStringExtra ("1"));
intent.putExtra ("2", getIntent.getStringExtra ("2"));
There are two intent in B
so C will be able to accept the three values in the
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
obviously only get to "3" corresponds to "3"
because A sends the intent defines B (setclass (A.this, B.class) ;) can receive key-value pairs ( "1", "1" ) ( " 2", " 2 " ) , empathy , B sends the intent defines C (setclass (B.this, C.class) ;) to receive key-value pairs (" 3 "," 3 ")
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encapsulated objects , googl + Baidu
If you again take A, C, key-value pairs , then you re- B through a Bundle access , and then set, so that you can in C made
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; your mother to your father two packs of cigarettes , your father give you a lollipop , do you have your father's hand smoke do ?
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Oh, upstairs can not be so analogy, if passed an android With Intent object on the whole , android in preaching is not an Intent object
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not a same intent
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chartered case you kind of thing , Dad gave you all the possessions of course you will be able to smoke it. . . . .
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this is not the mechanism of inheritance .
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What is an object ?
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can give a Bundle access code ? It is best to also add comments . . .
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not only through B, pour about
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really can hold more than
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really can hold more than
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just sorry ah , that's not on the first floor , second floor