
json and session.setAttribute contrast

jsp page in terms of speed and efficiency : the action I deposit into session, then the page c: forEach fast, or I in action JSONArray jsonArray = JSONArray.fromObject (list); and then parse json jsp pages faster it
------ Solution ------------------------------ --------------
jsonarray not use the , fastjson or jackjson it
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have not put anything into the session
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session to put in it ! In fact, the speed should be almost right, you really care about this rate it?
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Why not put request there is also , even if you deposit into json the background , foreground loop output should not it?
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amount of data 30w
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which put inside and json request which speeds data
------ For reference only 30w of fast ----------------- ----------------------

Blessings Oh accustomed to it request and json contrast , the amount of data which
faster processing speed of a little 30w ----- - For reference only ---------------------------------------

which put inside and json request which the speed of data quickly 30w   Quantity
30w once you show it! You do not paged Yeah !
browser subject of it?
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words in json parse , good point . .
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which put inside and json request which the speed of data quickly 30w          Quantity
30w once you show it! You do not paged Yeah !   
browser subject of it?  
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which put inside and json request which the speed of data quickly 30w          Quantity
30w once you show it! You do not paged Yeah !   
browser subject of it?  

course of action I was ah json output to the page using ajax way
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json is not gotta own fight , ah, it might as well get yourself out of the loop output wants
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learn about
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30w discharge amount of data session. . . . .
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into session d you will find out quickly , so much the amount of data json conversion speed will be a problem
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I see very silent can imagine stuck to the browser look. .
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30w, browser downtime. .
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too many things . .
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certainly put the session in the fast , mainly due to re- parse jason , session Do not .
30W is a lot of data , but also so I will do, as long as fewer people visit , can be used.
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to test not on the list ?

