
Java tcp ip protocol multiple communication problems with

with TCP / IP protocol client and server communication , where the server did not write , write-only client ,
protocol requirements are as follows :
1. Send "Connect" command, the server returns the "DATA RECEIVE PASSWORD"
2. Send password " 01234567 " , the server returns "CONNECT OK!"

I wrote a client to achieve a TCP / IP connection established by DataOutputStream input stream , while the character data into a byte in output in the console , but as a second step, not know how, after sending the password , the server can not return to respond , do not know what went wrong , please enlighten , source code is as follows :

import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

public class ByteClient {

private int clientNumber;  
    private SocketAddress address;  
    public ByteClient(int clientNum) {  
        clientNumber = clientNum;  
public void setupClients(String serverHostName, int port) throws IOException {  
        address = new InetSocketAddress(serverHostName, port);  
            System.out.println("start client No. 1");  
            Socket socket = new Socket();  
            byte[] hello = "Connect".getBytes(); 
            byte[] helloreturn="DATA RECEIVE PASSWORD...".getBytes();
            byte[] code="01234567".getBytes();
                    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());  
            dos.write(hello, 0, hello.length);
            DataInputStream bufferedReader = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());  
            byte[] cbuff = new byte[256];  
            char[] charBuff = new char[256]; 
            int size = 0;  

            //ADD 判断是否接收到DATA RECIEVE PASSWORD
            while( (size = bufferedReader.read(cbuff))> 0) {  
                convertByteToChar(cbuff, charBuff, size);  
                System.out.println(charBuff);//Console中显示了已收到的数据"DATA RECIEVE PASSWORD
            while( (size = bufferedReader.read(cbuff))> 0) {  
                convertByteToChar(cbuff, charBuff, size);  
              //ADD END
           // bufferedReader.close();  

private void convertByteToChar(byte[] cbuff, char[] charBuff, int size) {  
        for(int i=0; i<charBuff.length; i++) {  
            if(i < size) {  
                charBuff[i] = (char)cbuff[i];  
            } else {  
                charBuff[i] = ' ';  
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
ByteClient client = new ByteClient(4);  
            client.setupClients("XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX", 9999);//端口号和IP为服务器端IP,在此未列出
catch (IOException e) {  

------ Solution ------------------------------------- -------
Socket 's InputSream is blocking , when you read it it would have been stuck there until the Socket closed or flow off.
So your program has been stuck in line 30
while ((size = bufferedReader.read (cbuff))> 0)

Incidentally that convertByteToChar method approach is not good , why not just use the built-in decoding method String , and you the only support ASCII character sets , such as if there is Chinese characters how to do ?
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
Socket general practice is to use two threads , one to read, one to write and other control
Or you can use non-blocking SocketChannel
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If you want to achieve the second step that I mentioned , what should be achieved? Create a socket?

Thank you, I try
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Results posted after the discovery, the problem is still not resolved, multi-threaded implementation is a server-side solution , but I can only do this program designed client , multi-threaded client how to deal with ?

