but do not know that there is another diagram of how to connect the text and send messages , look great God pointing pointing.
Here is my piece of code to send text messages . Ventura message of hope and this is almost the style , or how the program changes too bad.
* 发送消息
public static void sendMsg(Map<String, String> cookie, String content,
String fakeId) throws IOException {
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("tofakeid", fakeId);
map.put("content", content);
map.put("error", "false");
map.put("token", TOKEN);
map.put("type", "1");
map.put("ajax", "1");
String referrerUrl = "https://mp.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/singlesendpage?t=message/send&action=index&tofakeid="+fakeId+"&token="+TOKEN+"&lang=zh_CN";
Document document = Jsoup.connect(SEND_MSG).header(USER_AGENT_H, USER_AGENT).header(REFERER_H, INDEX_URL2).referrer(referrerUrl).data(map).cookies(cookie)
Element body = document.body();
------ Solution ------------------------------------- -------
this person's blog is well written
------ Solution ----------------------------- ---------------
the kind of message text and there how to send the connection diagram
look API, replies that supports both text and send pictures together :
Parameter Description
ToUserName recipient account ( received OpenID)
FromUserName developer Micro Signal
CreateTime message creation time
MsgType news
ArticleCount number of news graphics , limited to less than 10
Articles multiple graphic message information , by default the first item for the big picture
Title Text Message title
Description Text Message Description
PicUrl image links , support JPG, PNG format , better results for the big picture 640 * 320 , 80 * 80 small images , consistent basic data limit domain image links and developers need to fill in the Url
Url Click graphic message hoplinks
------ For reference only ----------------------- in fact, the official api ----------------
has said very clear.
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indeed very good, thank you for your recommendation.
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Maybe I did not make it clear that I need to implement a proactive push graphic messages. But the micro-channel initiative to send a message without opening the interface , I simulated landing achieved by sending a text message. The official did not call the API interface . But I am very tangled is so active push messages simulated landing approach can achieve Teletext push ?
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described above may not clear the problem , the following is the detailed information . Thank you for your answer , oh.
functional requirements : We need to take the initiative with a micro-channel push messages to a specific user .
realized functions: Because micro-channel initiative to send messages without opening the interface , but to be achieved through a simulated landing . Now able to take the initiative to push a text message to the specified micro-channel fan of .
need to implement functions: leadership now hoping to take the initiative to push graphic messages with links to the specified user .
problems : (1) I see the official API is limited to the link of the picture, " basic information restricted domain image links and developers need to fill in the Url consistent ." Means I must become a developer to push graphics news?
2. analog active call push push message + graphics API interface to achieve the initiative to push the message to the specified graphic fans do ?
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landlord to solve this problem yet
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obviously not resolved
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is to push, push, you know?
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obviously not resolved
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landlord has not solved the same problem encountered
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Yes ! Active push ! ! ! No answer !
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landlord Can you send the code by text I refer to the reference ah.
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Can your landlord code by sending a text I refer to the reference ah