
In the . Java want to get the value of a String passed index.jsp and displayed in the page out

I am . java want to get the value of a String passed index.jsp and displays it on the page
------ Solution ----- ---------------------------------------
have to jump index in java class statement it?
If there is , it can be directly applied to the back , index.jsp? message = XXX
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this description of the problem . . . . . . . . . . . . .
------ For reference only possible in java setattribute
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seemingly new members , the background
request.setAttribute("str", str);

front page
后台String:<c:out value="${str}" />

tags reception to introduce the use of C
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>

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In . java in value through the mobile client , I pass over , but through jsp call , there is no value , I think the value of the mobile client came time to get this in . java after the value directly to the index.jsp, neighborhoods
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this is the problem of traditional values ​​, regardless of the way what is the phone side or end , as it should be passed by value ,
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In . java in value through the mobile client , I pass over , but through jsp call , there is no value , I think the value of the mobile client came time to get this in . java after the value directly to the index.jsp, for advice  

In java can get to it, you can be encapsulated , you can get the http protocol , by request.Setattribute () method to store data in the request , return time and then jump to the jsp through requestScope.getattribute ( ) to obtain data stored on it

