
Struts2 tag made ??with the following program , suggesting the content of elements type ...... in strus.xml in , how is it ?

In myeclipse environment, with labels made ​​with struts2 following program , a total of one class and one struts configuration file, as follows :

actionTag class code is as follows :

package com;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
public class actionTag extends ActionSupport {

public String execute () throws Exception {
return SUCCESS;


struts.xml code below:


/ succes.jsp

The question now is: struts.xml file This line has an error ( not to run the program on an error ) , Tip : the content of elements type "bean" must match "null". I ask you: How to solve ? Enough points you can add points

------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------

"- / / Apache Software Foundation / / DTD Struts Configuration 2.3 / / EN"

<-! user registration - >

/ regok.jsp
/ regfail.jsp
/ register.jsp

struts.xml configured wrong ! ! ! !

