
Drop-down list values ??from a database problem ~ ~

Want the transfer of data from the database into the drop-down list , below is the code. But always fail to get value .
Great God seeking to explain ~ ~

<select id="example" name="example">
<option value="请选择" selected="selected">请选择</option>
    <%ResultSet rs1=null;
    String str1="select distinct exdate from note";
Connection con1 = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "server","server");
Statement stmt1 = con1.createStatement();
rs1= stmt1.executeQuery(str1);
     <option value="<%=rs1.getString("EXDATE") %>" ></option>

------ Solution ------------------------------------- -------
alas, the boss then you end affixed to the I dotted it
------ For reference only --------------- ------------------------
found the problem. . . was written

