
easyUI datagrid component can have display: none to hide the effect

This project used the JQ easyUI datagrid components, today I made a page , the page has a div layer , div put a easyUI datagrid, when the page is initialized div hidden (display: none), by clicking on the button , div display (display: block), but when you click the button , datagrid shows only one line. Set div 's display attribute initialization block , everything is normal. This is the datagrid and div there a difference? Want to know why, ask heroes !
------ Solution - -------------------------------------------

when setting class = "easyui-datagrid" in the div , easyui will generate a datagrid interface based on this class,
In this way, script script , $ ("# datagrid"). datagrid ([]) to generate the desired effect

If you want in-depth studies can watch the official document http://www.jeasyui.com/documentation/index.php
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div layer there is a table, table has put a class = "easyui -datagrid ", div write on ? Initialized as stated above , there is only one line . That on the div, easyui-datagrid is not gotta have a div style support ah ?
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  The reply was deleted at the moderator 2013-12-12 09:18:06

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solved, as long as the datagrid receives the return value can be simultaneously displayed and div. Thank you !

