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why even the sons of labels have been affected ? I wrote in Dreamweaver .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
this example there are issues now. It should be
which is the outermost text , This is a text in the middle layer , which is the innermost text , < ;/ p> This has the effect
outermost this text ,
This has no effect.
b always inherited span style bar.
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------
example of what is broken
certainly influenced , b inherited the span of color,
Reference : http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_text_color.asp
inside Inherited: yes color refers to the value of this property is automatically inherited by the descendants
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your text in the span inside, of course, affect the ah
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child element selector I read wrote only affect the direct descendants , will not affect the level of nested tags ah
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http://www .w3school.com.cn/css/css_selector_child.asp
your conceptual understanding is wrong ah
例如,如果您希望选择只作为 h1 元素子元素的 strong 元素,可以这样写:
h1 > strong {color:red;}
这个规则会把第一个 h1 下面的 strong 元素变为红色,但是第二个 strong 不受影响:
<h1>This is <strong>very</strong> important.</h1>
<h1>This is <em>really <strong>very</strong></em> important.</h1>
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you see people write p span and p> span , is not the same
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this I know , but he p> after the span of this style , tag content not affected by the CSS style ?
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and I follow his example exactly the same wrote , tag content is affected
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browser IE5, IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9 on CSS support the effect is not the same , you use the following IETester test versions display.
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I am using Dreamweaver direct preview of it this is a few ?
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tried several a browser, anyway, is not what I try to see the effect of the example of this book , namely affected only the sub label , grandsons label unaffected.
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this book seems to be a problem !
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your second an example is not the effect is not because there is no direct child elements under
label label , plus direct test nested , part of the same style consistent with , not a child choice.
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landlord to change the code to change it came out with a changed
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you this is the most inner text included in , and has set up a text styles , that will certainly be affected ah
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you remove