
jqGrid cell contents how to set the font color of its contents ?

You greatly, I was a novice , today's encounter a problem, customer lists some of the cells displayed content requirements are not the same as the color of the font , I use jqGrid control, I ask you this question is how to solve ?
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not sounded drifting
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landlord solved?
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encounter the same problem, solving
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plus cellattr in colModel in
such as:
 colModel: [
                    name: '列名称',
                    index: '列名称',
                    width: 65,
                    sortable: true,
                    resizable: false,
                    cellattr: addCellAttr

then add addCellAttr methods
function addCellAttr(rowId, val, rawObject, cm, rdata) {
 if (条件) {
                    return "style='color:red'";

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in this cell value plus multi- styles. Such as : ' Subtotal '. ' Subtotal ' is the value.
effect shown
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4 F is a positive solution
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thank the fourth floor ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

