
hibernate annotations one how to write

There are two tables A B
Table A fields:
id name bid ( foreign key )
Table B fields:
id name

entity class

public class A {

  private int id;
  private Sreing name;
  @OneToOne       //这里该怎么写
  private int bid;

  //setter  getter......

public class B {

  @GeneratedValue      //这里要写什么?
  private int id;
  private Sreing name;

  //setter  getter......

hql how to write in order to make final
select * from A
Return to the list so there
B 's name
------ Solution -------------------- ------------------------ entity class a landlord 's wrong

@ Eneity
public class A {

@ Id
@ GeneratedValue
private int id;
private Sreing name;

@ OneToOne / / Here how to write
private B b;

/ / setter getter ......
so check out the A, B 's name had a list.get (i) getB () getName ();.
------ Solution ----- ---------------------------------------
hibernate recommend using bidirectional many- to achieve one
------ Solution ------------------------------------ --------

public class A {
  private int id;
  private String name;
  private int bid;
  private B b;

  //setter  getter......

public class B {
  private int id;
  private String name;
  private A a;
  //setter  getter......

------ Solution -------------------------- ------------------
not hibernate annotations can look at this document http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/annotations/3.4/reference/ zh_cn / html_single /
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is to B as it is an attribute of A
That comment how to write ?
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give a simple example you
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you search on the Internet , many are
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I could not find a satisfactory asked to come to this . . .
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Well I write mainly on getter on the property too lazy to play on my first try and see. .
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OK solved. . . Thank you. .

