Look SCJP topic . This not understand.
java-classpath / test :/ home / Bob / Downloads / *. jar game.Chess
What do you mean this ah. particular test the colon . .
Please expert guidance ~
------ Solution -------------------------------- ------------
own facie help to know you
-classpath < directories and zip / jar files to the class search path >
with : separated list of directories , JAR files
and ZIP file lists, used to search for class files.
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still do not understand . . can elaborate it . . Thank you . .
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still do not understand . . can elaborate it . . Thank you . .
: is the delimiter ah , looking for / test and / home / Bob / Downloads / *. jar
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still do not understand . . can elaborate it . . Thank you . .
: is the delimiter ah , looking for / test and / home / Bob / Downloads / *. jar
Thanks a lot ~ ~