give solutions Such as the title , such as the eclipse serialize a class implements the interface but do not specify serialVersionUID time , eclipse yellow warning will be reported ,
Click the icon at the left of the line number , directly gives several solutions , Idea has no such feature
------ Solution ------------- -------------------------------
idea is possible , ah, there will be in the right frame , as shown , Click on the yellow part of the solution will have , in addition , and what prompted you , but also can be controlled, in the options there are a Inspections, think how configurations are possible. If you do not understand , the message bar. My idea is still very familiar .
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it should be ah. An error will be prompted .
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This is the eclipse tips
This is the IDEA tips
And eclipse mouse yellow exclamation icon under the left will give solutions I ask IDEA wood have similar
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no solution ~ only reason for the error
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Oh ...
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solution is not necessarily easy to use it, cause of the error is enough to use
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question, why eclipse / myeclipse without netbeans?
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I do not know Oh, never used netbeans .... IDEA should be even less than it ...