Two java web project one is A, one B How A project via a button on jsp page pass parameter to another project setvlet class request form http://localhost:8088 / TsServlet? ID = id1, id2 ... id & type = xknsr & permit = nxrs =
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given specific address should be able to pass over the bar
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is you put it directly on the line ah pass , no error message , then put out stickers
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your hyperlink , url that you want to splice those in the past on the line
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should be right , but do not know what you want What was the reaction ? In another project servlet you print these values look first .
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you did not go ah servlet
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how no one answered it
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I can write this directly , but there is no response nor an error
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why I can not reply to you Yeah servlet you can go
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have to get a thank you , the button can not but Xiu hyperlinks