
Help , eclipse + tomcat startup projects already stuck in the starting state

public then click on start, then show tomcat starts normally, but the projects remain in the starting state is always the state , has been tested at this time service is not started
If you put aside eclipse, under the direct start tomcat startup.bat, then start normal
in eclipse occurs starting state, calling netstat-ano find the default 8080 port is occupied , the display SYN_SENT state ,
In the process, there is always a cmd.exe repeatedly loaded exit , ask possible causes
PS: have to say off the firewall , but under windows7 due to the company 's anti-virus software installed in the computer , only in the Advanced Settings - Firewall Properties closed , do not know that there is no relationship
------ Solution --------------------------------------------
estimated eclipse What is missing plug-ins or configure a problem , you might consider another try eclipse try
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stay for how long, and in the process there is no error stay , stay the process of how the state of the CPU and memory to run , have not changed in the works try. . . .
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I put the start time is set to unlimited, it has been stuck , in addition to the state of the CPU and memory has been described , is to have a cmd constantly flashed , I feel it is the service after , eclipse always scan corresponding port , but have never received feedback
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the server works Qingdiao try , see if it works or tomcat eclipse problem or question , gradually narrowing the scope of the problem ought to solve the problem
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should not be tomcat question, because I directly under the tomcat startup.bat is activated , in addition, you can see the eclipse view netstat always asking after the start port 8080 , so that has caused 8080 card syn_sent state
------ For reference only --------------------------------------- < br> then you go to determine the next is eclipse or web engineering problems
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determine the eclipse of the problem, because this project we are using , as far as I go wrong
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I feel is the eclipse of the problem, and now the project tight will use the bar , take a look back over time around the environment
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I have been having this problem for a moment today to set a proxy eclipse will be solved .
Active Provider chosen Manual
Internet proxy settings look

proxy bypass are three :

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9 F positive solution !
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you can say in detail what I have encountered this problem
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you can say in detail what I have encountered this problem  

window> preferences> In the input box , enter the proxy on the line

