
Why not include JAVA Spring + SpringMVC + Hibernate + FreeMarker template

Not long contact with JAVA . Do not understand why the framework of JAVA so fragmented.
Why do men put Spring + SpringMVC + Hibernate + FreeMarker these things integrated into a unified framework .
and the common paging, file uploads and other technologies are integrated in a large framework .
seek advice.
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each frame is made ​​of every organization , no one is obligated to do this , ah, and this version of the problem which involves , incompatible very common. I want to be their own integrated whole . But some people will help you become successful one , for example myeclipse
------ Solution --------------------------- -----------------
for personal use different even if there is a ~ 2 struts of the points or personal habits said only like do not like to use hibernate struts
guy I like you you integrate it I actually quite like herbinate + struts2 + spring is no technical content yards farmers on the line
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Well , this task post give you a
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I wonder is , why not an organization or company to engage in a broad framework to include all .
such as the PHP symfony framework , which has doctrine to operate the database equivalent Hibernate, there twig template equivalent FreeMarker, which is itself SpringMVC, also integrates upload files , paging, permissions, and so a variety of commonly used functions. That is mastered symfony PHP can do almost all of the project. Why did such a framework it JAVA ?
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because there is no chief martial arts . .
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java If this part of the integration of

that there is a market share of PHP !
say that this part of the java plug shortcomings , it developed !

Another quite what php, really convenient, fast and lightweight !

