
Struts2 in LoginAction-validation.xml not introduce xwork-validator-1.0.3.dtd

Prawn , brother I am a novice struts, encounter a problem , as indicated below :
struts action checksum file is created when I built an xml file header is as follows:

"- / / OpenSymphony Group / / XWork Validator 1.0.3 / / EN"
But when you run the program , always reported the following errors :
java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://www.opensymphony.com/xwork/xwork-validator-1.0.3.dtd
somehow ?

I used struts2.3.1.2, xwork also In xwork-core- in , there is a xwork-validator-1.0.3.dtd , do not know why out of this problem .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
in IE, enter this URL : http://www.opensymphony.com/xwork/xwork-validator-1.0.3.dtd in is being given 404 ah , the program the same reason
- ----- Solution --------------------------------------------

I am sorry I was wrong

This is the official website there are examples http://struts.apache.org/release/2.3.x/docs/basic-validation.html

you try to use this link

You see some old tutorials estimated
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you should try

This link has opened up at 404
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my examples from struts down under official

which are beginning to use http://struts.apache.org/dtds/struts-2.3.dtd the
When are you see this tutorial
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Reply "body fat afraid shadow crooked " : Brother , this is two different things now . I now establish a validation check file xml, not struts.xml.
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http://q.115.com/t-753-9557.html can be found here , will move into the project DTD

