
About Sina Weibo API (java) a problem

I novices. java also a novice, you seek the god guidance. In a recent study by Sina microblogging API, just start to think about using the API send a microblogging. In eclipse, app_ID and app_SERCRET have been written , but also saved. But there is always an error. Do not know what it meant

By the way, the actual address that application callback address and be sure to write it, how to write, completely understand. Seek guidance

------ Solution ------- -------------------------------------
data crossed the line. .
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but how cross-border ah , I feel very strange, my key and SERCRET are written on the way
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14 line was that one .
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args [0], args [1] is your input . You did not enter . Write dead two parameters facie estimated no problem
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really like yes ah. . Thank god
that line 15 is not that printed two parameters have to be changed slightly ?
also wants to ask fill API Application Information
These two options how to write ? You can not not write ?
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this parameter you pass , their input parameters on the line.
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the two arguments : args [0] args [1] with " " instead of on it ! Two lines must

