I put the key code to paste ,
<a href="javascript:del()">删除</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
function del(){
var url="DeleteServlet";
function process(){
if (xmlHttp.status==200) {
后面 省略 ……
DeleteServlet in on the word , System.out.println (" the delete ! " ) ;
Whenever I click Delete , the first played in the console ' executive Delete' and pop 'x', the second and third time , the console did not print out content, but 'x' was able to pop up in the end is how is this all about?
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
delete no parameters ? Followed by a timestamp look .
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
Ajax tips , followed by a time stamp prevents the browser cache data
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which property will not be xmlHttp is not set
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the delete into delete the servlet code execution every time , I found Ajax request must not be the same for each url servlet code will be executed if the same would only perform the first
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you mean they do not write synchronization function , write directly configured servlet that DeleteServlet?
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thanks, should be the caching issues, together with a time stamp after each will execute the code inside a servlet
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the delete into delete the servlet code execution every time , I found Ajax request url must not be the same for each servlet code will be executed if the same would only perform for the first time
behind url add a new Date ()