public String getLastVersionPD(){
ActionContext.getContext().put("pdList", this.pdManager.getLastVersonPD());
return "listAction";
then iteration OGNL expressions in the foreground
<s:iterator value="#pdList">
<s:property value="name"/>
<s:property value="version"/>
<s:a action="pdManagerAction_delete?key=%{key}">删除</s:a>
<a href="javascript: showProcessImage('${requestScope.deploymentId}')">查看流程图</a>
name version key deploymentId is a property of an object , the value is placed on top of the stack when the stack object iteration , in front of the name version key expression can use OGNL value stack objects in the stack take the value , why use EL expressions can also be obtained at the request scoped attribute deploymentId it
------ Solution --------------------- -----------------------
landlord this issue , why take the request scope with el things will also take it to the value of the contents of the stack . problem it is necessary to combine struts2 source , we know there is HttpServletRequest request in javaee it is all packaged inside an interface is implemented by javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper class . struts2 own javax.servlet.http . HttpServletRequestWrapper achieve , that is org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.StrutsRequestWrapper in struts2-core packet re getAttribute method was rewritten.
We know the value of request scope el expressions take is to call request.getAttribute (String s);
what this is struts2 getAttribute method of org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.StrutsRequestWrapper rewriting the source code for part
public Object getAttribute(String s) {
if (s != null && s.startsWith("javax.servlet")) {
return super.getAttribute(s);
ActionContext ctx = ActionContext.getContext();
Object attribute = super.getAttribute(s);
if (ctx != null) {
if (attribute == null) {
boolean alreadyIn = false;
Boolean b = (Boolean) ctx.get("__requestWrapper.getAttribute");
if (b != null) {
alreadyIn = b.booleanValue();
if (!alreadyIn && s.indexOf("#") == -1) {
try {
// If not found, then try the ValueStack
ctx.put("__requestWrapper.getAttribute", Boolean.TRUE);
ValueStack stack = ctx.getValueStack();
if (stack != null) {
attribute = stack.findValue(s);
} finally {
ctx.put("__requestWrapper.getAttribute", Boolean.FALSE);
return attribute;
------ For reference only ----------------------------------- ----
# non- root object is accessed , it is non- value data stack , such as ognl context and action context. # Can be understood as ActionContext.getContext ().
EL expressions, such as $ {username}, equivalent to request.getParameter (username), and then you go to understand what is meant by request it.
------ For reference only -------------------------------------- -
<s:iterator value="#pdList">this sentence is to traverse the collection every single element in turn placed on the stack , el expression values also directly from the value stack , so we get to the amount
--- --- For reference only ---------------------------------------
understand Thank