
Find ICBC Internet Banking Interface demo

What is needed now is an online payment . previously did not touch this , looked to the data bank , confusedly . Are there any demo, refer to me ! I am very grateful
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http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/24367170.html ? from = dl you can refer to a project Chi Chuan podcast , running is not a problem.
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I see it !
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Thank you for your answer, the bank has given me to me.
I do not know where to start,
There are those crt key file does not know how to use. Hope wing
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I look down , if you do not understand , look to the wing .
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This is yeepay 's and ICBC's also not the same
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seeking interfaces used in the jar package. I downloaded icbc.jar seems wrong !
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jar package has been found
http://pay.googlecode .com/svn-history/r6/trunk/payment/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/icbc.jar

If you still do not understand the question we have to ask
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now there has been such a problem
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: cn/com/infosec/util/base64/MyBASE64Decoder

I do not know is that the package inside , icbc.jar there is no
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you how this is done ? I pray thee, help ! I also began to receive this interface , I do not know how to start

