
Resolve Hibernate: could not initialize proxy


This can be seen literally: Can not initialize, no session. Also said that the main reason is because the session closed.


; in Hibernate, the lazy default proxy. Such hibernate query the data in the database will not put current events associated


check out an object, but Save a gain that is worth method: getXxxx (). When we need to use this value, which is used getXxx () method


tune when used, Hibernate will use this method from the database and retrieve the corresponding data. But very Fortunately, our session already closed. This


because Hibernate's lazy loading strategy In Hibernate sessionFactory is used to manage the session, we once for each database operation


will create < span class = "Apple-style-span" style = "font-size: 18px;"> a session object, when the operation is completed, we, hibernate will be in the dao layer immediately close the session. doing so can strictly control


session, to avoid low-level errors.



for this error will generally have three ways to solve.


1 , the lazy set to false. This is the easiest way, personally think is more stupid way. because it is in use efficiency as consideration.


2 , Use OpenSessionInViewFilter. This method is the session to the servlet filter to manage, whenever a request and then will open


start a session, only when the response until after the end off closed. As follows:

1         <filter-name>hibernateFilter</filter-name>  
2 <filter-class> org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support.OpenSessionInViewFilter </filter-class>
3 </filter
4 <filter-mapping>
5 <filter-name>hibernateFilter</filter-name>
6 <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
7 </filter-mapping>



The above configuration file in the web.xml configuration.


< / p>  

3 , will hibernate grabbed the strategy to join. That is, is left join fetch or inner join fetch syntax. That is in with


setting lazy =" false " fetch = "join" can be. Such as:

1     <many-to-one name="worker" lazy="false" fetch="join" class="com.paixie.domain.Worker"> 
3 <column name="positionId"></column>
5 </many-to-one>



