
java reflection applications and factory model used by reflection


java reflection Comments


This article is still a small example to illustrate, because I always feel, driving is the best case, or else look at the theory, then, saw did not understand, but suggest that you read the article, in the back too far to go look at the theory, there will be better understood.


start following text.


[Case 1] through an object to obtain the full package name and class name

           package            Reflect;          
           / **          
                      * through an object to obtain the full package name and class name          
                      ** /          
           class            Demo {          
                      / / other codes ...          
           class            hello {          
                      public            static            void            main (String [] args) {          
                      Demo demo =            new            Demo ();          
                      System.out.println (demo.getClass (). getName ());          

[Run Results]: Reflect.Demo


add one: All objects of the class are actually Class instance.


[Case 2] instantiate Class class object

           package            Reflect;          
           class            Demo {          
                      / / other codes ...          
           class            hello {          
                      public            static            void            main (String [] args) {          
                      Class            null           ;          
                      Class            null           ;          
                      Class            null           ;          
                      try            {          
                      / / generally try to use this form          
                      demo1 = Class.forName (            "Reflect.Demo"           );          
                     }            catch            (Exception e) {          
                      e.printStackTrace ();          
                      demo2 =            new            Demo (). getClass ();          
                      demo3 = Demo.            class           ;          
                      System.out.println (            "class name"            + demo1.getName ());          
                      System.out.println (            "class name"            + demo2.getName ());          
                      System.out.println (            "class name"            + demo3.getName ());          

[Run Results]:


class name Reflect.Demo


class name Reflect.Demo


class name Reflect.Demo


[Case 3] Through Class instantiate objects of other classes


through the no-arg constructor to instantiate an object

           package            Reflect;          
           class            Person {          
                      public            String getName () {          
                      return            name;          
                      public            void            setName (String name) {          
                      this           . name = name;          
                      public            int            getAge () {          
                      return            age;          
                      public            void            setAge (            int            age) {          
                      this           . age = age;          
                      @ Override          
                      public            String toString () {          
                      return            "["            +            this           . name +            ""            +            this           . age +            "]"           ;          
                      private            String name;          
                      private            int            age;          
           class            hello {          
                      public            static            void            main (String [] args) {          
                      Class            null           ;          
                      try            {          
                      demo = Class.forName (            "Reflect.Person"           );          
                     }            catch            (Exception e) {          
                      e.printStackTrace ();          
                      Person per =            null           ;          
                      try            {          
                      per = (Person) demo.newInstance ();          
                     }            catch            (InstantiationException e) {          
                      / / TODO Auto-generated catch block          
                      e.printStackTrace ();          
                     }            catch            (IllegalAccessException e) {          
                      / / TODO Auto-generated catch block          
                      e.printStackTrace ();          
                      per.setName (            "Rollen"           );          
                      per.setAge (            20           );          
                      System.out.println (per);          

[Run Results]:


[Rollen 20]


But note, when we put Person of the default no-argument constructor canceled when, for example, have their own definition defines only one argument constructor function, an error occurs:


example, I define a constructor:

           public            Person (String name,            int            age) {          
                      this           . age = age;          
                      this           . name = name;          

then continue running the above program will be:


java.lang.InstantiationException: Reflect.Person


at java.lang.Class.newInstance0 (Class.java: 340)


at java.lang.Class.newInstance (Class.java: 308)


at Reflect.hello.main (hello.java: 39)


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException


at Reflect.hello.main (hello.java: 47)


so we later written using Class instantiate objects of other classes, it must define their own no-argument constructor



[Case] ​​Through Class call other class constructor (in this way can also be created through the Class objects of other classes)

           package            Reflect;          
           import            java.lang.reflect.Constructor;          
           class            Person {          
                      public            Person () {          
                      public            Person (String name) {          
                      this           . name = name;          
                      public            Person (            int            age) {          
                      this           . age = age;          
                      public            Person (String name,            int            age) {          
                      this           . age = age;          
                      this           . name = name;          
                      public            String getName () {          
                      return            name;          
                      public            int            getAge () {          
                      return            age;          
                      @ Override          
                      public            String toString () {          
                      return            "["            +            this           . name +            ""            +            this           . age +            "]"                     



































