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Name: SubSonic
plugin version:
Last Update :2013-8-10
Officer ; net: http://www.subsonicproject.com/
BUG modified: Empty (AllEmpty)
Email: 1654937 # qq.com
study and discussion: SubSonic3.0 study group (327360708)
Related blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/EmptyFS/
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release fixes the following issues:
1, Structs.tt template generation, there is no assignment to the PropertyName property caused by a null pointer exception (System.NullReferenceException Exception)
2, use SubSonic.Query. Select and SubSonic.Query.SqlQuery query, set the Top property, the resulting "unhandled InvalidOperationException exception (keyword 'TOP' Incorrect syntax near)" Bug
3, automatically generated table name plus the plural ( s) resulting "user code unhandled SqlException, object name 'xxxs' is invalid" exception
4, using SubSonic.Query.Select and SubSonic.Query.SqlQuery query, the field is tinyint column loss problem when the Bug Fix
5, queries and stored procedures for the SubSonic.Query.Select add more executive function (Return to Contents)
For use Json deserialization operations acquired entity updates, you can only modify the add can not be executed (edit) the operation, this operation changes the problem, I think very few people will use, so do not added to the code, if necessary, please visit my blog users against modifying it.
More about SubSonic3.0 information, please visit the blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/EmptyFS /
Download: http://files.cnblogs.com/EmptyFS/SubSonic3. rar