
Using opencv interpret blueprints, libjpeg compressed imagedistortion

 This post last edited by the wgf3341869 on 2013-07-04 15:31:11
I used the opencv IplImage read the image, it reads after the picture is based on a two-dimensional array, use it to record the image pixels, so I operate it directly libjpeg compression, I tried to read jpg format and bmp format images in different sizes will appear under different circumstances, that is, two kinds of compressed images are successful, some dimensions can be successfully compressed, not some size, some loss of color, some are pictures tilt, there are two below amplitude is normal, the other is abnormal

------ Solution ------- -------------------------------------
not used, plug form, it is likely is the lack of a numerical / multi one. closer look w / higher value / number of cycles and the like
lose color that looks like a component of the dislocation + Location dislocation.
hope useful to you.
------ Solution ------------------------------- -------------
fact, the problem is that you adjust the pixel values, I have tried this problem, you set the length or width of a multiple of 2 or more multiples relations, that is, 4 or 8 try
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anything missing one or more of a number, there may be what is the value? The most surprising is that some size to normal compression, component dislocation? Location dislocation? Great God Weapon! ! In addition to the jpeg compression algorithm, matrix operations are my own, the three primary colors, they would want to pass up the code? That specific point other lifesaving
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seems to be adding a Less a problem, I wrote it myself, abbreviated linear interpolation algorithm, the length and width of a start directly proportional count, add and subtract a time in floating point cast have access to, but how to make them automatically to adjust it you very much, great God, give points < br> ------ For reference only ---------------------------------------
Haha, problem solving, and you said only half of the core that step is not said, and I resolved, thank heavens and the earth! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Wanted to know who told me to, ha ha! ! ! !
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5 Floor powerful in the

