foreground a nginx, behind two tomcat.
nginx key configuration:
upstream tomcat{
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
#charset koi8-r;
#access_log logs/host.access.log main;
location / {
root html;
index index.html index.htm;
proxy_pass http://tomcat;
tomcat's context.xml the key code:
<Manager className="de.javakaffee.web.msm.MemcachedBackupSessionManager"
want to use memcached sharing session, now there is a problem, that is, below the two have the same tomcat jsp, function is to submit a value stored in the session, and the page output value stored in the session. And session id,
After you submit a value, the value will be stored inside the session inside a tomcat, then refresh the page repeatedly, once for a value, which once again shows empty, once again showing the value, so repeat, that session not synchronized, but if the other one tomcat stop, there will be another session value, and then start and stop the tomcat, then stop another tomcat, which is also the same session values.
There is no way to stop the tomcat does not use memcached to keep session sync?
------ Solution -------------------- ------------------------
I come and collect points
you first try to get hold of 8.5k
------ Solution ---------------------------- ----------------
I come and collect points
you first try to get hold of 8.5k
------ Solution ---------------------------- ----------------
I come and collect points
you first try to get hold of 8.5k
------ Solution -------------------------------- ------------
09 years of work can get 4K ah?
------ Solution ---------------------------------------- ----
landlord decisive 10K
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Replies can get 10 points a day available points! tips: teach you how to quickly get available points
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Thank you for your replies, 8.5 is a good choice, counteroffer change to 8K can accept,
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9K try
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resolutely 9K. . . Do not hesitate. Reflects your values
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9K bars are the architect of
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you think 8.5k to 8.5k chant, each company's situation is not the same
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then 8.5 bar. . With the crowd
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8.5 or 9 can be the first tentative 9k
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bargain of course is the first reported high and lower. .
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decisive 9k
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How much uncertain, you can sneak out to interview a few times to see how many multi give you, shows you how much energy value, mutatis mutandis, with to.
even if someone can give 12K 15K not sure yet.
If someone can give 12K, the old club only to 8K, then you can consider the jump.
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9K architect of it all
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This can be considered,
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I have encountered this problem. Landlord has no solution ah.