
Hadoop solutions to common errors


1. through commands and viewing log files to hadoop startup and operation


In NameNode side, you can

tail -100 /var/log/hadoop/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-namenode-hadoop-namenode.log

View NameNode running log



can also end in DataNode

cat /var/log/hadoop/hadoop/hadoop-hadoop-datanode-hadoop-datanode1.log

View DataNode running log.



through jps commands are run in the datanode and namenode side, view your active service.



2. NameNode not start:


Cannot lock storage ...... tmp / dfs / name. The directory is already locked.


perhaps because run hadoop account for this folder tmp / dfs / name without permission. You can use the following command to solve

chown -R hadoop:hadoop /usr/hadoop


3. DataNode not start :


in the client log shows namenode namespaceID = 1713611278; datanode namespaceID = 596511341


This problem is basically because in the end times namenode run hadoop namenode-format caused. The core-site.xml in hadoop file (different hadoop versions have different names) found hadoop.tmp.dir , empty the corresponding folder. For example:

[hadoop@hadoop-datanode1 hadoop]$ cat core-site.xml 
?xml version="1.0"?>
?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?>

!-- Put site-specific property overrides in this file. -->

!--global properties -->


[hadoop@hadoop-datanode1 tmp]$ rm -rf /usr/hadoop/tmp/*

then restart hadoop, in datanode side with jps see if datanode already started.



4. wordcount program run fs can not find the folder:


Input path does not exist: hdfs :/ / localhost: 9000/user/input


in a clustered environment, the files are processed in hdfs, so must be processed hadoop files to a folder. The following example, a new folder in the fs, well in advance of the band hdfs wordcount file copy, and finally run the program.

[hadoop@hadoop-namenode ~]$ hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp/wordcount/input 
@hadoop-namenode ~]$ hadoop fs -put /home/hadoop/wordcount/input /tmp/wordcount/input
@hadoop-namenode ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /tmp/wordcount/input

hadoop jar
/home/hadoop/hadoop-examples-1.1.2.jar wordcount /tmp/wordcount/input/input /tmp/wordcount/output


View Results

hadoop fs -cat /tmp/wordcount/output/part-r-00000

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