following main program through eclipse to write:
1. bat file in the Main function receives the parameters passed (String [] args)
such as: String ip = args [0];
String user = args [1];
; String password = args [2];
2. package the project
@ install plug fatjar
decompression plug "" on the eclipse \ plugins directory
@ restart Eclipse right-click the project '"Bulid Fat Jar"
[Jar-Name] Enter the name of the generated jar; [Main_Class] to select the main class;
3. jar package at the same level in the exported directory to generate the corresponding bat file
============================================= ================================================== =
@ echo off
: start
echo ================ database selection ========== ==========
echo sure to carefully check -
echo 1. database connection: jdbc: oracle: thin: @ orcl
echo (2) manually entered into the database
echo 3. Exit
echo ================================ ==============
set / p choice = Please select:
if% choice% == 1 goto 1
if% choice% == 2 goto 2
if% choice% == 3 exit
: 1
set ip = orcl
set user = sjpt_gd
set pass = sjpt_gd
cd F: \ bat
java-jar-Xms512m-Xms1024m batProject_fat.jar% ip%% user%% pass%
echo ============= ===== interface to access the end ================
echo ======= To run again, press Enter twice to == ========
goto: start
: 2
echo ============== == parameter value is set ====================
echo server address format: orcl
echo database connection: jdbc : oracle: thin: @ orcl
echo ================================ ==============
set / p ip = Please enter the server address:
echo% ip%
set / p user = database user name: < br /> echo% user%
set / p pass = database user password:
echo% pass%
cd F: \ bat
java-jar-Xms512m-Xms1024m batProject_fat. jar% ip%% user%% pass%
echo ================== interface to access end ============= ===
goto: start
============================================= ================================================== =
this way can be used after bat file called
I've got the exercise on sun networking tutorial to work so now need to spend more time on how it works.
回复删除This was helpful..