
bat calls jar package and pass multiple parameters


following main program through eclipse to write:


1. bat file in the Main function receives the parameters passed (String [] args)


such as: String ip = args [0];
String user = args [1];
; String password = args [2];


2. package the project


@ install plug fatjar


decompression plug "net.sf.fjep.fatjar_0.0.31.zip" on the eclipse \ plugins directory


@ restart Eclipse right-click the project '"Bulid Fat Jar"


[Jar-Name] Enter the name of the generated jar; [Main_Class] to select the main class;


3. jar package at the same level in the exported directory to generate the corresponding bat file


============================================= ================================================== =


@ echo off
: start
echo ================ database selection ========== ==========
echo sure to carefully check -
echo 1. database connection: jdbc: oracle: thin: @ orcl
echo (2) manually entered into the database
echo 3. Exit
echo ================================ ==============
set / p choice = Please select:
if% choice% == 1 goto 1
if% choice% == 2 goto 2
if% choice% == 3 exit
: 1
set ip = orcl
set user = sjpt_gd
set pass = sjpt_gd
cd F: \ bat
java-jar-Xms512m-Xms1024m batProject_fat.jar% ip%% user%% pass%
echo ============= ===== interface to access the end ================
echo ======= To run again, press Enter twice to == ========
goto: start
: 2
echo ============== == parameter value is set ====================
echo server address format: orcl
echo database connection: jdbc : oracle: thin: @ orcl
echo ================================ ==============
set / p ip = Please enter the server address:
echo% ip%
set / p user = database user name: < br /> echo% user%
set / p pass = database user password:
echo% pass%
cd F: \ bat
java-jar-Xms512m-Xms1024m batProject_fat. jar% ip%% user%% pass%
echo ================== interface to access end ============= ===
goto: start


============================================= ================================================== =


this way can be used after bat file called



2 条评论:

  1. I've got the exercise on sun networking tutorial to work so now need to spend more time on how it works.
