
android4.0 how to turn off logcat function (Bangding also give points)

As stated above, in my android source code, modify which file system terminal can enter after, logcat message does not print? Not to look for log information

I do the following attempts fail

1. modify init.rc file, log_level = 0

2. modify the device / softwinner / under the corresponding product boardconfig.mk file
BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE: = console = ttyS0, 115200 rw init = / init loglevel = 1
------ Solution -------------- ------------------------------

intention that allow the system to print log, strongly want to logcat disabled  
amount I only know there is a printed log of the underlying database or God really want is llog other horse was not clear
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this not been studied
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binding about the
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this not been studied
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did not get off, My idea is to consider redirecting logcat output, such as directed to / dev / null bottom. Or directly modify logutil library
------ Solution ---------------------------------- ----------

I found directly logcat.cpp   
find the main function, and then immediately return 0;   Sponsor
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the entire system does not print log? Or android framework and application part?
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intention that allow the system to print log, strongly want to logcat feature off
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intention that allow the system to print log, strongly want to logcat disabled          
amount I only know there is a printed log of the underlying database or God really want is llog other horse is not clear  

NDK compile time that is used in the file Android.mk

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intention that allow the system to print log, strongly want to logcat disabled          
amount I only know there is a printed log of the underlying database or God really want is llog other horse is not clear  
I now want the entire system will no longer be logcat print information
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intentioned people would reply about it!
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details can say what? Get, I flew Results posted to the sub!
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I found directly logcat.cpp
find the main function, and then immediately return 0;
# End

